Saturday, March 22, 2008

Winter's End (Alex Rourke) by John Rickards

In his debut novel, the first in the Alex Rourke series (now already containing books) takes the classical PI and puts him into thriller territory.
Alex Rourke is a burned-out FBI agent now working for a security / criminal consultancy firm. He's asked to go to Winter's End, the place he grew up, to interrogate a suspected killer. Soon he discovers the killer set him up to come over and has distinct plans for him, plans that have it's roots in the past Rourke would rather forget.
Rourke is an interesting character. He's a pretty cool guy, listening to blues, dressing in leather and driving a Corvette who shows a very vulnerable side at times. The style of the novel is hauntingly dark, the setting sometimes evoking Stephen King and John Connolly. I'm going to catch up on this series for sure.

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